Wednesday 23 November 2016

BAPP Arts 2016-17 Module 1 Task 2a and 2b - Reflective Practice : Journal Writing Experience

I have never kept a journal/diary ever before in my life, so this is has been an entirely new experience for me. Task 2a askes you to keep a journal over the course of the BAPP arts program and Task 2b asked you to try different ways of writing a reflective journal. I read through the suggested options and none of them really jumped out at me, so I chose to use something a bit different. Gibb's reflective cycle. I chose this because I know how successful these types of aids can be. In my previous job working with students who have autism we used a similar cycle for them to manage and reflect on their emotions to develop their central processing.

Now I am a very elaborate thinker and find it difficult to focus my thoughts most of the time. You will often find it hard to get my attention as I am usually lost in my mind thinking of a million and one things. Gibb's reflective cycle is perfect for me because it allows me to map my thoughts. It also helps me process information much better to then come up with possible targets, improvements or strategies. I created a document that I print off a write on at the end of each day or so. see below...

The reason I chose Gibb's Cycle is because I do not agree with the statement from Module 1 Handbook "Writing is a means of puzzling through what is happening in our work and our personal lives..." Boud (2001). I know this is one of many persons views but it got my back up a bit. I do not like writing and I do not like reading, I have always had difficulty with both and this is something I have always felt since I can remember. I understand the statement but why should writing be so important to "puzzling through". Surely its the thought process, not the action of writing.... Yes, I am writing but, in a way I have found comfortable, structured and minimal. If you were to give me a blank piece of paper I know I wouldn't be able to navigate my thoughts properly and would end up rambling and writing pages and pages.

I am also keeping a audio diary every so often just to express my personal thoughts about the BAPP course and to have a more organic and "ordinary" journal. I hope that what I am doing is right? I have found both styles really beneficial for work and it is helping me keep track of my lesson and what targets I need to follow up.

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